Awesome Chinook Paper Plane Plans

Awesome Chinook Paper Plane Plans

Awesome Chinook Paper Plane Plans
This simple to fold Flying Wing paper airplane is a wonderful straight shot flyer. Easy to fold and easy to fly, it's perfect for the beginner.


Start with a letter size sheet of paper.

1. Fold the sheet exactly in half by bringing the two long edges together. Make a sharp crease and unfold.

2. Make another crease parallel to the first one by bringing down the top edge to line up with the center line crease. Unfold when finished.

3.Reposition the paper so that the crease just made is toward you.

4.Repeat the last crease by again bringing the top edge down to the center line crease. Make a tight crease and unfold when finished.

5.Close the paper again along the center line crease.

6. Make sure the paper is positioned with the main crease away from you. Fold the upper right corner down so it meets the crease exactly as shown. Make a tight corner crease and unfold when finished.

7.Repeat the corner fold on the upper left corner. When folded properly the left edge of the corner flap will lay exactly along the crease shown. Make the corner crease tight and unfold when finished.

8.Reposition the paper and open to expose all the creases made so far. Prepare to reverse the sense of some fo the creases to tuck the triangular portions into the fold.

9. Close the paper on the main crease again but this time bring the triangular portions in by lifting at the points where this crease meets the edges. You will have to reverse the sense of portions of the creases making up the triangular

10. Reposition the paper so that the narrow edge is away from you.

11. Make a new crease by brining the right side of the top flap over to the left. The crease should go from the lower right corner of the paper up to the top edge where the angle formed on the last step meet.

12.Make another new crease by bringing the lower right corner of the top flap over to the left. The new crease should be vertical as shown and the bottom edge of the new flap should lie along the bottom edge of the paper.

13. Unfold the flap just created.

14. Reposition the paper to prepare for the same folds on the other side.

15. Make identical creases on this side by bringing the left side of the top flap over to the right. The crease should go from the lower left corner of the paper up to the top edge where the angle formed in a previous step meets it.

16.Match the crease on the other side by bringing the lower left corner of the top flap over to the right. The new crease should be vertical as showd and the bottom edge of the new flap should lie along the bottom edge of the paper.

17. Turn the sheet over from right to left and position it as before with the creased edge away from you. Prepare to do the same folds as before on this side.

18.Make identical creases on this side as before by bringing the right side of the top flap over to the left. The crease should go from the lower right corner of the paper up to the top edge as shown. Try to match exactly the crease on the layer beneath it.

19.Once again make a new crease by bringing the lower right corner of the top flap over to the left. The new crease should be vertical as shown and the bottom edge of the new flap should lie along the bottom edge of the paper. Unfold these flaps on either side.

20. Turn the paper over even through both sides should be exactly the same now.

21.Fold the top edge down to create a new flap. The top edge should line up exactly with an earlier crease (not shown) which runs horizontally through the middle of the top layer. Make this crease as tight as possible.

22. Fold the top edge down again exactly splitting the flap just created in half. There are many layers of paper now so this will be somewhat difficult. Try to make this crease as tight as possible.

23.Turn the paper over so the flaps just created are on the bottom side. Position it so that these flaps are toward the right.

24. Fold the plane exactly in half by bringing the top edge down to the bottom edge. Line up all the edges as well as possible before making the crease.

25.Position the plane so that the crease just formed is toward you.

26. Fold down the top flap to from the wing by making a crease about two finger widths above the previous crease. This new crease should be parallel with the previous one.

27.Turn the plane over from right to left keeping the wing just formed toward you.

28. Bring the other flap down to form the second wing by making a new crease identical to the prevous one. Line up all the edges before making the crease.

29. Open the plane and adjsut all the angles so ther are the same for both wings. The dihedral angle should be flat or slightly upward. Open the flaps on the ends of the wings and adjust them to be vertical.

THE THROW: Launch from a high place with a gentle throw. This craft will fly very straight with a slight bouncing motion when folded correctly.