Cool Paper Airplane Designs

Cool Paper Airplane Designs

To achieve long flight times and huge distances, you need to minimize your weight-to-wing lift area. Since we are starting with a single piece of paper, we can't do too much about weight. That leaves maximizing the wing area and lift. Therefore, these long distance flyers all have large wing areas for maximum lift.
How make Eagle paper airplane

Eagle Paper Airplane

Just take a look at the Eagle paper plane and you’ll immediately see why it's categorized in this cool plane list. Among the five Jets and Bombers on this website, the Eagle looks the most threatening. The folding style is unusual. It is a complicated-looking jet that resembles a modern fighter-bomber when completed.
How make ketch paper airplane

The Ketch Paper Airplane

The Ketch Paper Airplane is a strange looking, box-like craft that flies well if folded properly. It looks like an alien among ordinary paper airplanes and thus, ranks high in the coolness meter. This square craft works best with light to medium weight paper.
How make seagull paper airplane

Seagull Paper Airplane

The Sea Gull paper airplane is a unique Delta Wing design. Its tucked nose creates an elegant looking craft that is a slow, long distance floater. This variation on a traditional glider design will float straight and far when folded well.
How make Jupiter paper airplane

The Jupiter Paper Airplane

Fast, evasive maneuvers are easy for the Jupiter paper airplane thanks to its forward winglets, that give it an extra measure of stability and control. Medium to light paper is best suited for this star cruiser. This is the first of five Starship Paper Airplanes and yes, they all look cool!
How make Neptune paper airplane

Neptune Paper Airplane

The Neptune paper airplane is a zippy little starship with forward-facing weapons pods. It’s a little tricky to fold and requires extra trimming. Medium to light paper is recommended for this model. The design is based on the work of Campbell Morris.
How make Willow paper airplane

The Willow Paper Airplane

The Willow paper plane is a canard flyer with real control surfaces near the nose, which allow an extra measure of experimentation. This craft looks more complex to create that it really is. It works best with medium to heavy weight paper.
How make Hurricane paper airplane

The Hurricane Paper Airplane

The Hurricane Paper Airplane is fairly easy to fold and great fun to fly! Its square, symmetrical wing is typical of the Flying Wing style of paper airplanes. It's basic and flies well.